May 8, 2018
In this episode, I get a little bit more personal and share my candid thoughts about why the legal profession is ripe for legal ethics reform, and more importantly, why that’s not a scary proposition.
There are many forward-thinking legal practitioners and legal tech experts who are in favor of a large scale reform of the ethics rules but naturally, there are many others who are against any such changes. Despite the consensus among the former that change is needed, there is still some contention as to how to approach this change. While some believe that a line-item review of each ethics rule is sufficient, others believe that an entire overhaul of the current rules is what’s required.
Listen in to hear where I stand on this issue and my opinion on why reform is needed.
What I Discuss in this Episode:
Resources Mentioned:
APRL – Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers
Erin Gerstenzang's episode
Data Driven Ethics website
Eric Cooperstein's episode
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